Loree is still rooted in the same aesthetic she has been exploring throughout her young career, though she’s clearly stretching to achieve something new with abstraction.

When it comes to the work of Kristine Moran, I find myself at a loss of effective words to explain why I think it is so totally awesome.

Seek out a young artist whose work you love. Find her work online, in a gallery, discussed in magazines, or sprayed on walls in alleyways. Identify with the intelligence of the work, not just the aesthetics; remember that only new ideas that rattle your brain are relevant and worthy.

Great collections are rare by any standards and exceedingly hard to find. Of these, a few are accessible to the public.

In these moody, contemplative and lonely works, battlefields hesitantly begin to give way to forces of growth; animals return to destruction-scarred locations, now neglected by their departed human lords, bringing with them natural balance, hazy potential, and new peace.

Like Harry Potter living under Vernon and Petunia Dursley’s stairwell, Video Art was skinny, self-confidence challenged, visually impaired, and under-appreciated, ignorant of the magical power it would soon learn to wield.

Like trying to understand why we fall in love, the gamut of explanations for why we collect art is at once highly diverse yet difficult to nail down.

Could unvarnished intellectual explorations into political and economic realities of modern life flower in an environment of unchallenged censorship and consciously affected good behavior?

Street art was once considered a societal infection that plagued beleaguered urban densities, but the mature examples of this visual art form have now invaded even the most holy contemporary museums.

Parlá has developed a highly sophisticated system of calligraphy that reflects, like a mirror, the wear and tear of the urban environments he passes through.